Three times more compensation for car accident

Nicola was injured in a 70mph road traffic accident on the motorway. After coming to Digby Brown, she received three times the initial compensation offer and the aftercare she needed to get better.
Learn more about Nicola’s accident, the impact on her life and how personal injury solicitors at Digby Brown helped with her car accident claim.
How did the car accident happen?
It was a normal evening and I was driving along the motorway to pick up my friend to head to the gym. I was driving around 70mph when I noticed a car very close behind me and I had braked a few times to let them know they were too close.
By the 3rd or 4th time I braked, I heard a horrific noise and the car behind smashing into the back of me. My car came to a stop in the middle of the motorway. I was in so much shock, it all happened so quickly.
What injuries did you have as a result of the car accident?
I sustained a knee injury from where my knee collided with the dashboard and 20 months after my accident I still have that injury. I also suffered whiplash which lasted for around 6 months.
Probably the worst injury was the mental side. The fear of driving after my accident was unbelievable, I used to love driving and was not afraid. After my accident I would only drive when really needed and would get others to drive were possible. I would become very stressed in the car and panic at the littlest of situations like someone parking too close to me, and people pulling out with no indicator etc.
What was the impact of the accident and injuries on your life and family?
It really affected both myself and my family, as I couldn't go to the gym after my accident because of my knee injury and this started to impact on how I felt about myself and my confidence. I wouldn't go out as much as a result and I found myself getting annoyed at the slightest little thing.
I just felt like no one understood what I was going through and it ultimately resulted in my relationship breaking down as my partner didn't know how to help or support me.
I became very distant from everyone and arguments with friends and family became frequent. The pain in my knee prevented me from helping my mum walking the dog which upset me as I felt I was letting her down.
How did personal injury solicitors at Digby Brown help?
Digby Brown were fantastic from day one right through until the very end of the case.
They listened, they didn't judge, they kept you informed when needed without pestering you every other day. They were also available if I had a question to ask and their knowledge was unquestionable.
The level of service I received was above and beyond what I could have wished for.
I felt like they actually cared about you. Ensuring I got the best private treatment to help with my injuries and just being there when you needed them to be.
I couldn't recommend Digby Brown more highly than I already have been. If I ever needed a lawyer in the future I would have no hesitations and would pick Digby Brown straight away.
How happy were you with the compensation achieved?
My lawyer and her team were outstanding and as well as getting me the correct after care they also secured a settlement offer of over 3 times the initial offer which I was very happy with.
What difference has the compensation made to you?
The compensation has made a huge difference to my life. It was never about the monetary value for me, it was about getting me back to myself after the accident and the aftercare really was brilliant.
The money has helped in many ways for bettering my life after the accident and I have also treated my parents a little as a way of thanking them for all their understanding and help after the accident.
Learn more about Digby Brown's Car Accident Solicitors
Learn more about people we have helped with car accident claims or if you would like to speak to someone about your circumstances, please call us on 0333 200 5925 or fill in our personal injury enquiry form and we will be in touch.