Severe brain injury after road traffic accident when not wearing seat belt

This case involved a 17 year-old who sustained a severe brain injury as a result of a road traffic accident in Scotland.
She was not wearing a seat belt at the time and got into a car where she knew the driver was over the alcohol limit.
Impact of brain injury
The brain injury had a huge impact on her day to day life and prevented her from enrolling for the college course she had intended to study.
Specialist Brain Injury Solicitors
Digby Brown has serious injury solicitors which specialise in brain injury claims following accidents in Scotland.
Education and Career
Since her brain injuries prevented her from going to college to do the course she wanted, our brain injury solicitor’s organised vocational rehabilitation which assisted her to enrol on an alternative course at college.
Brain injury compensation
An initial pre-litigation offer of £111,000 was received but rejected as it was felt this compensation offer was too low.
In the end, our client received more than double the initial offer. After deduction of a third for contributory negligence, being partly responsible for the accident, the case settled for more than £286,000.