Road traffic accident compensation 14 times more with the right lawyers

Our client approached Digby Brown about her road traffic accident claim as she was deeply unhappy with the service she was receiving from the claims management firm.
She was a passenger in a car driven by her father at the time of the accident. He entered a roundabout at 70mph, colliding with the central reservation, spinning several times, hitting some trees and finally colliding with a stationary lorry.
Her father had Legal Expenses Insurance and they referred her case to a claims handling company in Scotland.
"I was naive, I didn’t know I could have someone else represent me."
Injuries from accident put ends to career
Our client suffered a serious shoulder injury which required surgery and left her with a large scar. She also suffered further injuries to her head and ankle, as well as psychiatric effects from the crash.
The injuries from the accident meant she was no longer able to do her job as it was painful to do anything physically demanding. She will now need to re-train and find an alternative career, which won’t be as lucrative.
After the accident, she fell pregnant, this aggravated her injuries and she was restricted in what she could do, with simple tasks that most people take for granted suddenly extremely difficult.
“The injuries made it difficult for me to do every day things like picking up my new born baby, feeding and carrying the car seat. It was a nightmare.”
Claims handling company take a long time to progress claim
The claims company took a very long time to deal with the claim and had only managed to obtain an offer of £7,000 in compensation by the time she approached Digby Brown.
“I was passed to the company by my dad’s insurers but I didn’t ask for them or like them at all.
“The claims company had the case for almost two years but they were really slow to do anything and I didn’t feel they were doing things quick enough so I got in touch with Digby Brown in the end.”
Switched to Digby Brown for road traffic accident claim
The case was given to a specialist personal injury lawyer in the Foreign and Travel Law Department who progressed the claim on our client’s behalf.
“When I switched to Digby Brown, they handled it better, they were more thorough and gave me advice about offers made by the insurers.”
Over 14 times more compensation with Digby Brown's help
The claim ultimately settled for more than £100,000 – over 14 times the compensation obtained from the claims handling company.
“The compensation was really good considering the circumstances at the time but I’m still having problems as a result of the accident and I don’t know how that could affect me in the future."
“Wish I’d gone to Digby Brown from the start”
“I would advise others to definitely go with Digby Brown and have your own lawyer to instruct.
“The process dragged out for a long time because the claims company had the case for so long. I would have preferred to have started with Digby Brown from the beginning and regret not going to them straight away.”