Life changing accident at work case settles for £2.4 million

Brian was working as a dispatch manager in Glasgow when he was asked to remove a canopy/extractor fan from the ceiling.
The engineer, who was also with the health and safety director, told him to go up into a loft space and remove the rods so the extractor fan could be taken down - but the entire floor gave way and he fell 20 feet.
“Almost six years later and I still struggle to sleep thinking about what happened.”
He had extensive injuries including a fractured pelvis, broken left collarbone and internal injuries. He was in intensive care for four weeks.
After the accident, he had physiotherapy and saw a psychologist as he couldn’t sleep due to the anxiety from the accident and had symptoms of PTSD.
“It turned my entire life upside down. I’ve always worked since I left school and have been with the same company for over 30 years. It wasn’t just me, it affected my whole family – my wife, my daughter, my mum and dad, friends – everyone.
“Being stuck in the house staring at four walls and being by yourself all day really hit me psychologically.”
When he returned home, he had to use crutches and a wheelchair – he was housebound for 6-7 months. After undergoing surgery, he still needs pain relief but can get about on one crutch.
Brian couldn’t go back to work because of his injuries. He needed help to make a meal, with washing and dressing and he couldn’t drive so had to rely on family members or pay for taxi’s.
“Not being able to walk and do anything for myself, and I mean anything, was a nightmare. I couldn’t do the whole daily living and had to depend on everyone else.
“I knew there was something seriously wrong so I went to a firm my neighbour recommended. They said the case was too big and complicated for them to deal with but put me in touch with David Nellaney at Digby Brown.
“From the first meeting, David was brilliant.
“He helped with every detail of my case including making sure I got the care I needed and saw the right specialists. He put a Case Management Team in place so we could continue to get the after care and different advice we needed.”
Going forward, Brian will have to pay additional costs such as adapting his house and additional equipment and aids to help with day-to-day living.
Although his work admitted liability, they made no offers in compensation to settle the case. David raised the case in court and after presenting expert witnesses, secured more than £2million in damages.
“The compensation and help from Digby Brown helped me recover and go on after what happened.
“I’ve been able to pay for a brace which has taught me how to walk again. We’ve had the house adapted so I can now use the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea for the first time and put in a walk in shower so I can clean myself without help.
“There are still some days I can’t get out of bed because of the pain. But I’m better now and I’ve been able to care for my family and give back what they’ve done for me.
“I would give all the compensation back if I could rewind time and stop the accident from happening but I can’t. The compensation has helped me regain some sense of freedom and enjoy the time I have with my family.”