Forres driver receives £6,000 for whiplash injuries after lorry crash

Laura Munro from Kinloss suffered neck and shoulder injuries after a reversing lorry backed into her parked car.
The 53-year-old was starting her shift at a bakery when the accident happened.
The collision was at low speed but it was enough to send Laura to A&E.
Luckily medical staff confirmed there was nothing serious but the soft tissue damage was agonising and stopped Laura leading a normal life.
She had to take time off work and needed help around the house – she struggled to even wash her own hair.
Our Inverness office helped Laura make a whiplash compensation claim after the collision where she could recover damages for:
• Pain and suffering
• Loss of wages
• Services
• Inconvenience
The insurance company for the lorry accepted liability but made an offer of £5,000 to settle the case.
This was refused and a short time later a second offer of £6,000 was received – this was accepted as it was in line with the evidence gathered.
Laura said: “It was a real shock – the lorry came from behind me.
“My car flew forwards – I was in the armed forces in the 1980s and the noise of the collision was very much like a bomb going off.
“There’s an unfair reputation that whiplash isn’t a big deal but it is – the pain is agony.
“I couldn’t do my job properly, I couldn’t walk the dog – it properly affects your day to day life.
“I know it’s not a high value case but for me it was important and all the help I received was incredible – it was a really comforting service more than anything.”