Driver wins legal action 14 TIMES more than first offer after “insurer accused him of lying”

Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult but one man apparently suffered particularly horrendous treatment before coming to Digby Brown for help.
Behzad Nasir suffered whiplash injuries after a Range Rover ran into the back of his Toyota Yaris.
Afterwards, the 35-year-old from Dunfermline in Fife was contacted by the insurance company for the driver who hit him.
He tried to deal with things on his own but very quickly the insurer accused HIM of causing the car accident on purpose.
Behzad then claims the insurer had CCTV footage of the crash to use against him – and that the insurer threatened to have him arrested if he did not tell the truth.
As a final insult, the insurers then retracted their offer of just £300 to the dad-of-three.
Behzad said: “At the very beginning the insurers were fine but they turned very quickly.
“They claimed to have video evidence of the accident which showed I was at fault – they then sent people to my house and demanded I sign a piece of paper that said if I didn’t tell the truth then I was agreeing that they could have me arrested.
“For a whole year I was made to feel like a criminal.
“I am Asian and originally from Bradford – the insurer pointed this out themselves went as far as to accuse me of being involved in dodgy claims.
“They said that because I was driving a cheap car, and the person who hit me from behind was in a nice car, then I must have somehow planned the crash in an attempt to get money.
“It was all completely false, baseless allegations – the insurers treated me horrendously.”
Behzad – who had not been in Scotland long – was unsure where to go for legal help but his sister recommended Digby Brown and after contacting the firm Behzad met with Sean Wilson, Solicitor in our Kirkcaldy office.
Sean investigated the circumstances of the collision and was able to gather the right evidence needed to show Behzad was not to blame for the accident.
He was also able to gather medical records that proved Behzad’s injuries were genuine, explain how those injuries would affect his life and work out a fair value of compensation.
There was no need for Behzad to worry about the accusations of lying and certainly not about the CCTV that, funnily enough, never materialised.
After the horrendous treatment from insurers and the appallingly low offer of £300, Sean settled the Fife father’s claim for a fairer £4,200 – as well as recovering the cost of having his car fixed.
Behzad added: “After the accident the car was in a state of disrepair as the insurers refused to fix it.
“The insurer did everything they could to get away with paying me virtually nothing – racial abuse, scare tactics and refusing to fix my car in an attempt to keep me over a barrel.
“My wife was also six-months pregnant at the time and we had two young children so times were difficult to say the least.
“But Sean was brilliant. He was really down to earth and so helpful.
“I can’t thank him enough for all he did for me. He was there for me every step of the way.
“Even the first guy I spoke to when I first called Digby Brown was brilliant.
“Getting that admission of guilt at the end was everything.”