Criminal injuries compensation of £500,000 for random assault

Mr P was assaulted on his walk home after a night out with friends in Glasgow.
It was a random attack. He was punched and fell to the ground, hitting his head on the pavement.
The incident left him suffering from a severe brain injury which affected his mobility, eyesight and speech. He was in hospital for 6 months after the attack. Since then, he has undertaken speech therapy, physiotherapy and needs ongoing care from family and care assistants to manage day-to-day.
Brain injury means he is unlikely to work again
Mr P was employed full time before the accident but due to his brain injury, it is unlikely that he will work again. His employment was terminated on medical grounds. The combination of speech and mobility problems as well as tiredness makes it unlikely that he can undertake paid employment in the future.
Criminal injuries compensation claim
For victims of criminal assault, there is an organisation called The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) which is set up to compensate victims of crimes of violence who otherwise would not be able to seek compensation.
There are special restrictions and rules in place for claiming compensation from CICA. For example, the incident must have been reported to the police without delay and you must have co-operated fully with police to bring the attacker to justice.
Additionally, your own conduct will be taken into consideration, along with any criminal convictions, which may reduce the award of compensation, or even prevent any compensation being given.
Criminal injury compensation lawyers at Digby Brown
At Digby Brown, we have lawyers that specialise in criminal injuries compensation involving serious injury such as brain injuries.
Using our no win, no fee funding, we paid for medical and care reports to fully investigate Mr P’s complex medical position to ensure that his care needs were fully compensated.
CICA sought to make a deduction of £50,000 for an unspent speeding conviction. We asked for a review of that decision and presented detailed written submissions. The CICA accepted our submissions and made a compensation award of £500,000, the maximum level of payout the organisation can make, reflecting the lifelong effect the attack will have on Mr P.